Day Eighteen: Just One More Bite

July 18, 2015.

I haven't blogged all week. I told myself the excuse that I was "too busy" and tired. But really I just didn't feel like I had much to write about. Honestly though that wasn't the truth either. I had plenty to write, I just didn't want to put it to writing... this week was really hard for me. I gave into my sweet tooth a couple times (okay, a lot of times...) And while I was reading "gods at war", I really was just reading because I knew I needed to. I wasn't studying it and getting a lot out of it. I put a lot of other things first in my life this week instead of putting God first. Blogging about it would have just made it seem more real. Just a reminder that I've messed up. That's exactly what we need though sometimes- a reminder that we've messed; we aren't perfect and we need help from the only One who is perfect.

I have admitted to putting material things before God, but that's not my only god. I also seek food to give me pleasure. To fill me up when God is the only one that can truly make me whole. In the book I've been reading Kyle makes a very good point. He says we all have our "comfort foods" that we go to when we are upset, discouraged, angry, or to reward our self. But God calls himself our COMFORTOR. We so very often turn to our food to satisfy us instead of turning to God. It's sad, but we all do it. Especially me! I need energy- I get Starbucks. I am hot- I get ice cream. I had a terrible day- I get a red velvet cupcake with cream cheese icing.

I honestly used to think that you had to be over weight for food to be a sin in your life. But it has nothing to do with that. Some one who is so focused on loosing weight or only eating certain types of food can be just as guilty as making food their god as someone who eats and eats. The moment we put our diet or that third piece of chocolate cake in God's place we have made food our idol. In a world centered around our stomachs, it's hard to not give in to the temptation. Jesus says in John 6:35: "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty." If we turn to God to help us, He will fill us and make us whole.

My God is a jealous God. He wants to be first in our life and rightly so. He IS our Creator and Savior. And here we are, running to food to make us happy - to fulfill us - when we have the God of ALL to run to.  "We live to eat or eat to live" has been going through my head a lot lately. I have definitely been living to eat. 

My prayer is to keep God first in my life. In EVERYTHING. Before food. Before possessions. Before what people think of me. Before my job. Before music. Before what I want.

I want to know you.
I want to find you.
In every season and every moment,
Before I speak your word,
I will bring my heart and seek you first.
I wanna seek you first
I wanna keep you first
More than anything I want, I want you first.
You are my treasure and my reward,
let nothing ever come before.
You are my treasure and my reward,
let nothing ever come before.
I seek you first.
First by Lauren Daigle.

Examine your life and see where God is. Is He #2? is He #6? I am sure we all, at times, put something before God. Sometimes the best way to make God number one in your life, is to get rid of anything and everything that comes before Him. Take the next step. MAKE GOD FIRST.

Matthew 5:6
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.


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