Let me take a SELFIE

Click! "Hmm... my forehead looks too big." Click! "Oh! Now my nose!" Click! "Now a double chin!!!" Click! "Finally! #FLAWLESS"

How many times has this conversation gone through your mind? or even spoken verbally? Let's be honest here! Maybe not in those exact words... but something similar. We've all been there. The countless different hand angles you try and head tilts just to find the perfect lighting. The 10 to 15 different facial expressions you try to find one that says, "I didn't just role out of bed but I don't look like a model". - You know the "effortless perfect look". Reading it, it might sound crazy but it's what people do. We put ourselves through such tough scrutiny just for a photo that, if you're like me, will only get about 30-40 likes.

Why do we do this to ourselves though? Do we get that much satisfaction from having our phone light up randomly for the next 2.5 hours? Does it boost your confidence? Do you think your dream "special someone' will finally notice? But when they do notice, what will they see?

What do you see when you scroll through instagram and facebook and look at selfie after selfie?

I see a young girl craving love. I see a young man wanting to feel accepted. I see women "convinving" themselves they look good. I see children pretending to be young adults. When you really look, you actually see people for who they really are.


All we really focus on is little old ME.

This world is a very selfish place. We worry about what's best for us, and what will bring us the most pleasure. And if you do help some one else it's usually because something is in it for you. How many times have you honestly done something for someone else without being asked to or without expecting something in return? I'm sure a lot of us can't think of something that happened in the last 6 months.... or even 1 year! 
Currently I am down in Kentucky, literally in the middle of no where, helping one of my family members clean her house. Without getting too graphic, I'll just say it's one of the hardest things mentally I've ever done. I knew it was going to be rough and honestly I did not want to come down here at all. But I didn't have much choice. I was being selfish! I wasn't thinking that this 92 year old couldn't physically do any of this. My thoughts were only on myself. I didn't want to leave for almost a week. I didn't want to go down to Kentucky. I didn't want to miss my sisters games. I didn't want to leave my family. I didn't want to put my life on hold.

That sounds awful but it's all true. Once I got down here, I saw the beauty of God in these mountains. The simplicity of life down here smacked me across my face and reminded me of what is important in life. Family. Friends. Relationships. Not ME. Not selfish old me! These are the kind of things that should be first in your life. Not yourself. A life filled with putting "you" first, is a lonely life.

The God of this world was so humble to put first all those around him. In Philippians 2:8 it says, "And being found in fashion as a man, he [Christ] humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." If Christ can put all of us before himself and die for us, nothing should keep us from putting others before ourselves as well.

Yes, we live in a time period where everyone takes photos of themselves (selfies) with sticks (selfie sticks). Where we worry about what people will think of us. And some of us, our biggest concern is having the newest iPhone. And no, that doesn't mean taking a selfie every now and again is wrong and having the newest technology isn't either. But are those the kind of things that make up your thought? -These selfish and insecure thoughts. Are they number one in your mind?

So just stop before your next selfie and think. Why am I doing this?  

Philippians 2:3
Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.


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